14 Days Prayer & Fasting

14 days Prayer-and-Fasting

Reminder! Reminder!!

King Jesus Palace Miracles Ministry is calling on all members across the world to participate in the annual 14 days prayer and fasting that began since 14th of January and will end by 27th January, 2023.

The Theme: Breaking Forth 2023

Bible Passages: Haggai 2 vs 9, Isaiah 58 vs 6-8, Isaiah 22 vs 22-25

This fasting is very important in other to achieve the prophetic goals by the most High God in year 2023., Our year of Greater Glory of the Lord.

We present our 14 days fasting & prayers.

The one hour marathon prayer is between 6pm- 8pm daily

Come and have life transformation with Jesus Christ our Lord.

Signed: Prophet David Eichie


May God answer our prayers in Jesus name.

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